Hammer & Tongs 2004

(My tip of the Hat to Ed Roth & Rat Fink)

this character was the star of my Cartoons in the mid 90s
when I was putting together Road Racing Programs .

He is totally insane,
and his name is Billy

Original 2004 Shirt

He can be found making his race bike lighter
by removing spokes, adding spoilers
bribing the concessions stand girl to fix the results
and any similarly cretinous approach...

one time at a road race meeting someone asked
is Billy actually a person? = based on one of us?

well, we have all been Billy at some point....

for me, especially early on in my racing career
when I was doing everything wrong....



below: from Finland,
Vintage Motocrosser

Tommi Latva with

the Wolf Heikki Mikkola

below: back of shirt

original photo for the bike : I used a shot of NW Racer Coll Donoghue at Woodland
to make sure I got the dimensions of Bily's bike right




Hammer & Tongs 2004
©2004-2015 SIEGE